Watch out England..Here I Come!! :)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

well, considering the time differences, I have been going to bed pretty late every night skyping with people and chatting on facebook. not that I'm complaining..i look forward to those conversations all day! :D So it was really nice today because I didn't have any classes..or modules as they call them here (although i think that sounds very space-y like it should be a part of a spaceship or UFO or something). I slept in really late, which could have been a mistake because i was very lazy the rest of the day. I wasted lots of time on facebook after getting up and watching the american idol episode from last night, which I was really really excited to find. Around 3ish, Brittany came to my door and i glanced in the mirror before answering and noticed that i was still in my pajamas and still hadn't showered haha oh well. After we chatted for a bit i finally got ready and soon enough it was time to eat. Tonight's menu consisted of yummy crepes with mint fruit salad to put on top. Yup, we eat a five-star restaurant every night. Jealous? ;) After that we really didn't want to sit around bored all night so we got some girls from the flat together and went to see It's Complicated in the nearby cinemas. The movie wasn't as awkward as i originally thought and was actually really funny! It was nice hanging out with the other girls, they are super sweet and we really get along great. It was about 11pm when we came back so everyone went to get ready for bed and I skyped with my mom and dad for a bit & then I was soooo excited to talk to Chrystal for awhile! <3 I have one class tomorrow at 1:15 and it should be pretty interesting because it's about the history of special ed in the UK so I'm excited :) Well its 1:30am here so i should head to bed. Goodnight!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!!!! :D :D i love youuuu!! xoxo


  1. wow it sounded like a good day Deanne:) lazy days are fun :) movies with new friends sounds like a lot of fun :) i can't wait to meet a bunch of new ppl on my trip :)
    I am pretty jealous of your yummy dinners!
    and i agree modules sounds like you're on a spaceship ;)
    and your special ed in UK actually sounds really cool! let us know what u think about it ;) miss you!

  2. Deanne,
    Thanks for the birthday wishes. They had balloons and confetti in my cube at work and had me wear a 50 necklace and Old Fart badge all day. I guess it was not that bad. Daddy took me to Eastside Grill for supper and the Duda's joined us. All in all it was a good day. Wish you were here, miss you lots.
