Watch out England..Here I Come!! :)

Monday, January 11, 2010

don't worry...i'm still alive

okay okay i know its been forever since I've written on here, but so much stuff has been happening so i got a bit overwhelmed. But tonight I'm wide awake at midnight as usual and weirdly, no one is skyping me or facebooking me so i figured i should cross this off of my to-do list :)
Where did I even leave off? haha well, we were taken on a tour of one of the campuses on Thursday afternoon which was really exciting because basically i'm now going to Hogwarts. No really, it looks just like it! Buildings are beautifully old with vines and trees growing up the sides and doors that have probably been there for many, many years. It was a little weird (okay side note: i definitely have been spelling the world weird wrong for basically my entire life..thank you spellcheck) to be there knowing that this was my new school, and knowing that i wasn't going to be walking into a Boyer or Frey buildings anytime soon. On the tour, i felt pretty comfortable getting around, even though we just went through the library, or learning centre as they call it, because everything is pretty well labeled. I was able to take lots of pictures of the campus without feeling awkward and touristy because no students were actually there yet ;) Oh! funny moment from before the tour: during orientation that day we were put into groups and had to list our hopes and fears about this trip. My group decided that the main fear would be running out of my or not fitting in and I decided that my biggest hope would be to marry Prince Harry :D even though u probably already knew that! haha our director got a kick out of that one. After our tour, Jess, Suzie, Britt & I went on our first shopping trip for groceries with our list of the dinners we wanted to make. Oh, and by "we" I really mean Suzie..shes an amazing cook and is definitely saving us from a diet of frozen pizza and cereal. That night, she made chicken that was marinated in a curry-like sauce on top of white rice. It was so good!
I guess I should be blogging more because I really can't remember what happened on Friday haha But I was really excited for Saturday to come because we were going on a group trip to the city of Bath. I honestly didn't know much about the city, but once I got there, I absolutely loved it! The architecture of the buildings was stunning and I loved walking around a town with so much history and beauty to offer. I really couldn't take enough pictures to really capture it all. The city is basically known for the Roman baths, which take place in a natural hot spring and were used by the ancient Romans as a place of worship and relaxation. We were able to walk around them and learn more about the history of them which was really cool especially because it still uses all the same stones and linings as it did back then. We also went to a the Sally Lunn house, which is the oldest house in Bath and widely known for its tea and the Sally Lunn buns :) We were all soo excited to have real English tea, which was actually pretty good! That's saying a lot because I'm not a tea drinker at all haha The buns we had for breakfast were pretty much like a giant English muffin but were like 80000 times better! yummmm! After that, we were given time off to just walk around by ourselves so Britt & I spent the day exploring and taking tons of pictures :)
Sunday was a great day because we didn't have anything planned as a group so we were all able to sleep in late and catch up on some much needed rest. Brittany and I went to the FCH campus to find the classrooms we had to go to on Monday but unfortunately they were all closed. That made me soooo nervous about the first day of classes, and if you talked to me at all Sunday night, you would know that haha
Phew. Now we're up to date. Right now, its Monday night and I have officially made it through my first day of class! :D yayy! it really wasn't as scary as i thought, of course. I woke up pretty early just to check if they were canceled because of the snow, but they weren't so i got ready as normal. Luckily, i signed on facebook real quick and Jess asked me if i wanted to walk with her to the campus, which was a great relief. Once i got there, i found my first class fairly quickly, New Religious Movements. There were about 15 students total, which was pretty surprising but i was soo excited when 3 other girls i knew from our American group were in the class too. It sounds like its going to be really interesting because we're talking about topics i've never heard before. After that class, i ran back to my room, made a quick sandwich because my stomach was growling like a monster and then met a bunch of people headed to the farthest campus. We took the bus there (a little scary) and had a little tour of the building. My next class, Public Health, seems like it will be a bit boring but the other people in it are really entertaining and loved to ask us questions about the US. I felt like a celebrity ;) haha jk! Anyway, we took the bus back and then Suzie made us nachos for dinner and we all just hung out. Some girls on our flat went out to a club but we decided it would be best to just stay here and we watched the bachelor instead ;) much better decision.

Okay so I'm really sorry that was so long and crazy! i promise I'll stay up to date from now on...haha yeah right ;) I'll do my best! well i have one class tomorrow at 11:15 so i get to sleep in, but im gonna go to bed now & catch up on my sleep :) goodnight!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Dee,
    Sorry I missed you tonight on skype but, it was my turn to go to the grocery store. FUN!With you being famous and all, you better watch out for the paparazzi. (Did I spell it correctly?) Glad you classes went fine today. Love you
