Watch out England..Here I Come!! :)

Friday, January 22, 2010

Can't read my p-p-pokerface ;)

Well I'm feeling better! haha I was actually feeling a lot better monday night and went to my geography class on tuesday, but i havent written on here since then. Sorry about that! The reason I've been putting this off was because i havent really anything too exciting lately. It's something that I've really had to get used to, because back at Messiah i usually don't even have time to let my feet touch the ground, running from meetings to rehearsals and class, of course ;) So its definitely different, I've had a lot of time to think (which can be dangerous for me sometimes) and get myself organized (which also can be dangerous, especially when i hit my head on low pointy shelves...that happened to me about 20 mins ago actually). Anyway, i still have a lot of adjusting to do with all my free time and hopefully i'll find something worthwhile to do with my time haha that's kinda funny because right now as I'm writing this..I'm also watching youtube videos and painting my nails both of which i find very worthwhile.

Well, Wednesday night a bunch of the girls from this flat and i went to the movies to see Up in the Air. I actually had no idea what it was about except that George Clooney was in it, so that was enough for me. Seriously, i decided that it is critical that my future husband looks like that when hes older. I'm allowed to let myself go and eat whatever i want and never do my hair but nope, he has to look exactly like george clooney all the time. The movie was pretty good and entertaining and it was cute up until the veryy end when it dropped off the depressing cliff. I only like to leave movie theaters either laughing or feeling inspired to be a better person..but that just left me sad. Eh, it was fun anyway :) Yesterday, I went to my class (at the right time this week yay!) and it was really interesting. This is the only class that i actually look forward to, mainly because i pretty much know what the professors talking about and i didnt feel dumb like in my other classes. We watched a kinda strange video made by people who are disabled and in it there was a lot of swearing, which is weird for me because that really wouldn't happen at Messiah. But I learned a lot and actually participated in the discussion, which is also new for me :) Last night, i played spoons and poker with some people from the fourth floor and it was a lot of fun. I actually won some rounds of poker! :D Mostly by luck..aka not knowing what i was doing at all..but i think I'm finally starting to understand it.
Today I slept in pretty late by accident because i never heard my alarm. I didn't really have anywhere i needed to go, but i really need to get out of this habit of sleeping until noon. I got up and went to go do laundry but apparently all the cool people do laundry on Friday mornings so they were all full :/ I'm really glad that no one was in the laundry room when i first went down there because i was sooo confused! First of all i couldn't tell which were dryers and which were washers, so i was scared that i was just gonna dry my dirty clothes instead of washing them. Also, i had no idea how to pay for them because the machine is super confusing. (By the way, it cost me 5 pounds to do laundry today! soo annoying!) But eventually i figured it out...okay i made Brittany show me how to do it haha Then she and i went with Bethany from the 4th floor to this store called Matalan down the street which is sorta like a target but only for clothes. They have some pretty nice stuff and some pretty hideous stuff, and we all picked out an ugly outfit for someone else to try on haha i got stuck with this awful sequined shirt the color of pennies which scratched my arms and was super uncomfortable. I ended up buying a really cute black dress that looks like its from the 50's for only 8 pounds! :) We ran some other errands and came back to a yummy spaghetti dinner. Later tonight, Brittany, Suzie, Jess & i went to a pub called Wetherspoons for dessert, which was really fun.
I'm super excited because tomorrow I'm going to London! Britt & i are going with Michelle & Tyler and we're catching a very early bus so that we can spend the whole day there. We're planning on seeing Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, Parliament, the London Eye, and probably a whole bunch more. So check back here tomorrow night because I'll tell u all about it :) I should probably head to bed because my alarm will be going off wayy too soon...Goodnight!

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