Watch out England..Here I Come!! :)

Friday, January 29, 2010

If my heart was a house, you'd be home

I decided to put owl city lyrics as the title of this one because i just bought tickets to see him in LONDON!!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!! :D :D I really wish you could have seen me when i saw that 2 tickets were available because i was jumping up & down and bolted across the hall to tell Brittany :) I've been searching for tickets to see him for the past like two weeks and they've all been sold out. I knew the whole Ticketmaster routine, change the amount of tickets to two, click find tickets, type in the stupid word picture thing that makes sure I'm human (what else would i be??), & then the screen comes up saying that there are no tickets available. I had done that soo many times so when i tried just one more time for the London show i was definitely expecting that same screen again. But i got them!! :D :D yayyy! Its Feb 18th so its not even that far away! oh & if you have no idea who owl city is...pleeeease look him up right now because he's amazing! :)

....but I'm really not that excited about it hahaha anyway, i haven't written on here in almost a week so sorry about that! i honestly just forget to do it when theres nothing really exciting to talk about. This week has been pretty good, same old thing with classes & such. I decided that Monday is my least favorite day because i have 3 two-hour long classes :/ yuck. I go to New Religious Movements at the FCH campus ten blocks away at 9:15 til 11:15 then i run back (well not literally run..i cant even remember the last time i even walked fast ;) to meet up with people to get the bus to the Oxstalls campus 15 minutes away. Then i have my health class from 1:15 to 3:15 and then get the bus back. I have a little bit of time to eat & relax and then i have our BCA class at the FCH campus again about British history and culture from 5:45 till 7:45. We cant even skip that one (which i would never do haha ;) because that's when we get our food money! Ugh. What a long day! i was soo tired afterwards and couldn't wait to just go to bed :) Tuesday i had my Geography-ish class which i actually don't mind because i like the professor. He's pretty funny. I cant remember what i did tuesday night, but i probably just hung out & watched movies like normal haha Wednesday I didn't have any classes so i got to sleep in pretty late & then a bunch of us went to buy train tickets for Wales this weekend! yayy! The train station was pretty far away from where we live which we weren't expecting, but it was a nice walk because it was actually sunny out :) After deciding to the get the bus back, Brittany and i went shopping at these little shops that we've never been in before, and we found these mall-type places that had lots of expensive stores. A little window shopping never hurts :) She got these awesome Barbie-pink heels for 2 pounds on clearance and i got some purple tights to wear with the black dress i bought last week. Wednesday night apparently is when lots of people go out, so Brittany, Suzie & i met up with some girls from the fourth floor and we got all dressed up & went out to find some dessert ;) Unfortunately, all of the places we went to stopped serving food so we never found any. So we went to this place called Revolution, which is in an old church (weird, i know) and its sorta a club i guess, but we just hung out there for a bit. Then we met up with some other people from the fourth floor at Boogie Lounge, which is another club and headed straight for the dance floor :) they played great music so we all had a blast just dancing like idiots haha One thing i learned though, is to definitely wear flats because my feet were killing me afterwards! On the way home, i walked barefoot, which felt a lot better. It was a fun night and we might go again next week :) Thursday I didn't have class till 3:15 so i slept in again because i had gotten to bed past 2am the night before. I really enjoy that class because the professor is great and the other students are really funny and nice :) I have some entertaining stories from that class but maybe i'll tell them another time. Last night, Brittany and i went out to eat at this American-type restaurant called Frankie & Benny's which was really cute and had great food. They played music from Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra so i totally loved that. Then we went back to Regency and spent some time skyping friends and watching movies of course ;) Today I accidentally slept in (for real! i really didn't mean to haha) and then Brittany and i went out to run some errands, and get Auntie Annes Pretzels! Yes they have them here!! you have no idea how excited i was when i found that out! yummm :D

Well, tonight i'll be packing because early tomorrow i'll be on my way to Wales! A whole bunch of us, which keeps growing haha, are taking a train 2 hours and will be spending all of saturday there, sleeping over in a hostel, and then coming back Sunday night. Honestly, i'm not sure what exactly is there, but i heard that the castles and old buildings are absolutely beautiful so i'm looking forward to taking lots of good pictures. Check back here Monday or Tuesday and i'll blog about the trip :)

Oh! a quick funny story from today: So britt & i were walking back from the store and i looked up and thought it had started to rain a little bit. But then, we realized that it wasn't rain, but it was snow! Only this wasn't your ordinary snow, it was hard and didn't really melt or stick to the ground. It seriously looked like the Dots ice cream that you get from amusement parks! It was like a blizzard of Dots for about 2 minutes and then stopped. Weirdest thing ever. I wish i had taken my camera!

1 comment:

  1. Well Deanne, you might have gotten an Auntie Annes Pretzel but, I had jelly beans at work! Well if it was Dippin Dots instead of the camera you should have taken a spoon. haha
    Have a good time in Wales. Looking forward to you pictures as always.
    Love Mom
