Watch out England..Here I Come!! :)

Monday, January 18, 2010

I am 14 going on 15...

Nope, not my age, that's just the amount hours i have spent in bed since midnight last night. & its not because they are super comfortable - they're actually not at all, i can feel every spring and wake up every morning holding my back like i belong in a nursing home - it is actually because i've caught the stomach bug and was sick all last night.

Yesterday i slept in really late, so i blamed the fact that i wasn't feeling the best on that. I didn't really do much, just wasted a lot of time on the computer because i didn't feel up to doing anything else, even though the weather was absolutely gorgeous outside! :( At dinner, Suzie made this amazing stir-fry and I felt so bad when i couldn't eat everything she gave me because she thought i didn't like it, which i really did. After that, Tyler, Michelle, Britt & I went to a local Baptist church for the evening service which reminded me a lot of Lifepoint back home, well except for the accents ;) Brittany and i were saying afterward that it was really hard not to sing the songs or recite the verses in a British accent haha I think next week we're going to try going to the morning service; the only reason we didn't this week is because we thought that evening services are sometimes more casual and contemporary, but really there just weren't a lot of people there. After we got back, I started to talk to Nate on skype, but felt the need to lay down instead because i was getting really nauseous. I'll spare you all the great details from last night but basically I was up every hour and couldn't even keep down a sip of water. I was scared to get out of bed this morning, or afternoon, because it seemed like i would get sick if i even sat up, so my amazing friend Tyler went to the store & bought me some Coke. I'm really bummed that I didn't make it to either of my classes today, its the only day that i have more than one, because we were told that it is important to go to each class because our director had to try really hard to get us in those classes, so it's rude to not show up. I emailed my professors and apologized, so hopefully it will be okay.

Well I think i might turn on a movie and relax a bit more (i know, soon I'll become a part of this bed!) so i don't overdo it and get sick again. Oh, & this blog wasn't supposed to be me complaining about everything but just so certain people, ahem my mom, knows whats up.

1 comment:

  1. Dee,
    It was hard enough when you were at Messiah and I could not help you when you were sick but, England! Wish I was there. Try and eat toast or crackers if you can. Hope you are feeling better! I will try and talk to you tonight. Love you!
