Watch out England..Here I Come!! :)

Saturday, January 16, 2010

A Foggy Day in London Town

well..not really London, just a foggy day ;)

I guess Ive been slacking off when it comes to these blogs..i just sorta forget about them sometimes. It's not like I'm super busy and never come back to earth for a half hour to write one, its actually quite the opposite. It's definitely like the strangest thing to not have classes all day everyday which means i have a lot of free time. Normally, i never would have thought I'd be complaining about that, but i get soooo bored sometimes! I know that it won't be this easy and we've only had the first week of awkward introduction classes, so I'm sure that I'll have a lot more school work to do later on.

Hmm where did I leave off? Well, on Thursday, i was soo excited for my special ed class that i showed up 2 hours early. Ha! yeahh right. Well i was really excited about it but that's not why i got there so early. I actually misread the timetable sheet i had written out (dumb 24 hour clock) so I thought that it started at 1:15 when really it was at 3:15. I was super happy to find some other BCA students in the lobby leaving at 1 for class too because then i would have some people to walk with, which is always nice. When i got to the building, i found my classroom pretty quick, but there was a lecture going on! I must have looked really confused because the maintenance man that was standing there asked if i needed any help. He showed me on the door a paper that had the schedule for that classroom and yup, my class was not for 2 whole hours. So i walked the 10 blocks all the way back to my room, but i guess a little exercise never hurt anyone ;) I wasted some time on facebook until it was time to leave again and walked back to the campus. This time, i asked the students in the classroom if i was in the right place, which i was :) Anyway, i am sooo excited for this class! Not only am i learning about something that i love and is really interesting but we get to go on field tripsssss! :D i really hope we take a school bus...that would be the best day ever. The class is basically about the history of special education in England, which is super interesting, and we're gonna visit some local schools throughout the semester. yay! Oh funny British saying i've learned recently: Instead of saying "How are you doing?", sometimes they say "Are you okay?" To me, I consider saying Are you Okay when someone is clearly not okay or hurt or something. It was pretty funny when i walked into my Thursday class, i was already really nervous to go in the classroom but when i sat down, one girl turned to me and asked if i was okay. I thought in my head, Man i must really look flustered or embarrassed! But i just replied.."um..yeah I'm okay...." I asked some girls on my flat how i should have responded and they said that most people say "I'm doing fine, how are you?" Guess ill try that instead next time ;)

I had friday off, so i slept in pretty late & then britt and i walked to the campus library to figure out some stuff and then to the bookstore in town so she could get her books. That night, some of the girls on my flat were going to salsa dancing lessons, but it cost some money and I didn't really feel like going so i stayed here. I'll probably go next time because it sounded like it was a lot of fun! Jess Britt & i stayed here and played some dutch blitz and just hung out.
We were gonna go to London to visit Kendall today (Saturday) and i was sooo excited to see her, but it was just wayy too complicated and expensive so we decided not to go. I was a pretty bummed, but Michelle and Tyler (my friends from Messiah) had planned a trip to a town called Bourton on the Water which is like 30 mins away from here, so Brittany & i went with them. We had heard great things about this town, people saying how beautiful it was and how amazing everything is there. Yup pretty much like its streets were made of gold and everything. haha jk ;) After trying to figure out the bus schedule, we made it there and did not find gold plated roads or sidewalks covered rose petals, but a very ordinary town. There was basically nothing to do there. Sure, it was pretty but because of the weather, it just looked dreary and empty. One really cool part on the bus was that there was soo much fog that everything around us was pure white. It was like we were going through a cloud :D We were planning on staying there for the afternoon, but after taking some pictures and walking the one busy street back and forth, we left after an hour. It was okay though, it was nice to see something different and take some good pictures :) After that we ate lunch at this cafe down the street which was sooo yummy and really inexpensive.
Later, we got some people together to play some card games in the kitchen. First, we played Bull**** (i wont put the whole word here haha) which i am terrible at. I guess I'm just a really bad liar, but i don't necessarily think that's a bad thing ;) Then, they taught me how to play poker and we got together some candy to use as chips. I paired up with Brittany, but she ended up playing the whole thing for me because I just didn't get it. Looks like my career as a dealer in Vegas is gone ;) We got a little bored of poker so we taught the British people how to play spoons, which is one of my favorites. It was hilarious and we ended up laughing the whole time. It was really nice to meet some new people tonight and i hope we will hang out again :)

Tomorrow we're going to sleep in a bit but later go to a night service at a nearby baptist church so it should be really cool :) I'll try to put up pictures from today up on facebook soon.

ps another music reference in the title..this one is superrr easy. if you don't get it, I'm sorry we cant be friends ;)

1 comment:

  1. Hey girl - certainly understand those days when you're in a new place but kind of bored. Glad you were able to go to church - let us know how it was and some pics!
    Check out adkwendy - I'm your follower - I'm making a once-a-week scrapbook page of what I'm thankful for for the week. It's going to be fun! Love ya and praying for you! Auntie Wendy
