Watch out England..Here I Come!! :)

Friday, April 9, 2010

It's been a long time; haven't felt like this, my dear, since I can't remember when

okay i know its been forever since i've written on here & thats only because I havent been in the country! We got back from Italy on April 3rd (last saturday) and it was ABSOLUTELY AMAZINGGGG!!!! I loved every town we visited: Milan, Florence, Venice, & Rome :) I kept a journal throughout the trip but its just too much to write it all on here so just check my pictures on facebook to get a glimpse of everything that happened. We walked along the canals of Venice, saw the expensive stores in Milan, listened to the Pope from about 30 feet away in Rome, & had our breath taken away by the beautiful views in Florence :) It was a fabulous trip!

The day after we got back, my family came for a week! They stayed here for the day & then we left for Paris this past Monday :) It was definitely an adventure because my dad rented a car (he rented it in the UK so the wheel was on the other side, but in France, the roads are the same as the US...that was interesting) and we seemed to get lost almost every day. Roads and highways are not clearly marked as they are in the States! But Paris was gorgeous :) We couldnt have asked for better weather and we were able to go all the way to the top of the Eiffel Tower which was amazing! We spent all day there and then on Wednesday we left for London until Friday morning. London was gorgeous as usual and we went to a lot of different places that I had never been before so that was great :) I'm putting up pictures on facebook now so check that out ;) My family leaves tomorrow, but we had an awesome week and I am so grateful that they were able to come out here!

As for me, I leave tomorrow for another adventure :D Bring on southern France & Spain! Honestly, I feel a little crazy for all this busyness and my body is tired but I just cant get enough of Europe! I just want to be a big ol' sponge & soak it all in because who knows when I'll be back. Hopefully we can find some internet access while we're gone so I can keep everyone updated, but I'll be back on Saturday the 17th :) Keep us (me, Suzie, Jess, Bethany & Brittany) in your prayers for safe travels and nice weather! i love you all!

1 comment:

  1. Deanne,
    I know what you mean there is a lot to take in over there. I felt like I was going to get a stiff neck because you are always looking up at the beautiful buildings. I love all your pictures, you have what it takes to take great pictures. Enjoy yourself and be safe. I will be praying for you. Love and miss you even though we were just together.
