Watch out England..Here I Come!! :)

Monday, March 15, 2010

With friends like these, well who needs enemies?

Last Sunday (not yesterday, i know its been awhile since I've written!) Laura and Tara came to visit! Its so weird because i had been looking forward to their visit ever since i got here in January & it always seemed so far away but they really came! :) we had such a great time together!

Brittany and i picked them up from the bus station in town at around 2pm and we were so excited to see them that we literally ran across the street! It was amazing to see some familiar faces from home :) We helped them carry their suitcases to our building, which was sorta difficult because our area gets super busy on the weekends because of the horse races up at the racetrack. It was probably pretty overwhelming because there are literally people everywhere, but its not normally like that on the weekdays so that's good. They were pretty tired from traveling all night so we just showed them around the hall and just hung out for a bit before taking them to Tesco to buy some groceries. The bought some things to eat for breakfasts and lunches because Brittany and i both had class on monday and tuesday. Watching them with the different currency reminded me how confused i was when i first got here with the money, i always paid with wayy bigger notes just because i couldn't figure out the coins! Cashiers must have loooved me haha ;) Anyway, we brought their groceries back to my room and we just sat around and talked until dinner because they were too sleepy to do anything else (& i definitely don't blame them!) At 6, Brittany and i went to church and Laura & Tara stayed behind to get some rest, and when we came back at almost 9, they both had fallen asleep! We decided that i was going to sleep on an air mattress in Brittany's room so that we both could get up and get ready for class without waking them up. It was a good arrangement because Sunday night they both went to bed at 9 and Brittany & i stayed up late talking and reading. It was like we were back at Messiah again! :D I miss our roommate bonding time! Monday I had class all day, but the girls slept in and then Brittany took them to Gloucester to visit the cathedral for the afternoon. I'm really glad that she was able to take them there so that they weren't just sitting in my room while i was in class :) We all had dinner together & then it was time for our BCA class so the girls just hung out here and checked their facebooks. We decided that we wanted to take them out dancing because it's such a fun thing that we love to do, and Monday night was the only night we could. I was a little worried because that's the busiest night for students to go out, so i knew it was going to be a lot crazier than what we're normally used to. But we had already planned on going, so at around 11pm we all were dressed up and ready to go :) We took them to The Place, which isn't where we normally go but its really popular on Monday nights, which unfortunately meant there was a longgg line to get in. But we just talked while we waited (and laughed at the drunk people around us) and eventually got in. It was extremely busy inside, but we luckily found a little pocket of space on the dance floor and ended up having a great time! I really appreciate going out dancing with my best friends because i know they will protect me from guys who get too close ;) We got back around 2am because it took forever to get in, and we all just went straight to bed.
Tuesday I had class again at 11:15 and Brittany had class all day so after my class i came back and had lunch & then took them shopping. Of course, we went to my favorite place, Primark, which is basically heaven for bargain clothes shoppers :) All the clothes are really cute and actually affordable! I've gotten shoes there for 2 pounds, a headband for 1 pound, and lots of other cute things. Laura & Tara loved it too! They both bought a lot of really nice clothes and shoes and didn't even spend a lot of money so that was great. After that we just window shopped in some of the more expensive stores and then i took them to meet Brittany at our FCH campus so they could see it. We brought them to the library so they could print out some tickets they needed & then we headed back to the dorm. oh & we just had to pass the cute boy from my religion class on the way haha i didn't plan it i promise! When we got back, they put on some of their new clothes and we met up with Bethany & then went to Wetherspoons for dinner. I was excited because i had never eaten there before and the food was really great! Plus it was a deal for Tuesdays so that made it even better :) We all were definitely stuffed by the end, so the long-ish walk back was perfect. Right away we got into our comfy clothes and played cards & made cookies for the rest of the night :)
Brittany & i got up super early to bring them to the bus station on Wednesday and i was so sad to see them go! It was lots of fun having them here and i wish they could've stayed longer :/ But they spent the rest of the week in London so that was really cool!
Wednesday night, Brittany & I went out with Bethany to Boogie lounge like we normally do :) Unfortunately they didn't play very good music so we didn't stay very long, but it was fun anyway. After wednesday until now (monday) i haven't really been doing anything too exciting. I've been tackling my assignments that are due the week after spring break because i won't have any time to do them before that. I actually wrote a list of all the assignments and taped it to my laptop to hopefully motivate me to do them (unfortunately i taped it right where my wrist its pretty much covered up most of the time ;)) I did get one paper done last night so that was great! I don't really have anything going on this week so im gonna be good & get lots of work done :) Well, Friday night, most of the girls from our flat had gone home, so Suzie Brittany & i decided to make a video at 1am. We put a lot of time into acting it out and it turned out really cool! Suzie did a great job editing it, so hopefully we can put it on facebook or youtube soon :) Saturday night, i was convinced to step away from my paper and play dutch blitz with Brittany, Suzie, & Nate. I said i was only gonna play for twenty minutes..but it turned into six hours!! don't worry..we didn't play for the whole six hours haha It was really fun but i sorta regretted it when i had to finish my paper yesterday :/

Oh! it was mother's day in the UK yesterday & i got to talk to my "mum" for a bit so that was nice :) She was all excited because now that means she gets two mothers days haha we'll see about that ;)

1 comment:

  1. Deanne,
    Mother's Day should be everyday!!!! I am sure you enjoyed being with Brittney, just like Messiah. It is nice having your own room but, it is good to talk into the night with friends. I am glad you are doing your work, keep plugging away. Can't wait until you run across the street to see us! Loved the video!
    Love and miss you,
